Friday 5 September 2014

Kyoto - Northern Higashiyama

Day 3, Bus 100 from Kyoto station to Ginkaku-ji, a World Heritage listed Zen Buddhist temple.500 yen entry. The name translates to silver pavilion but the shogun who built it never got to realize this dream. It is one of the most popular sights in Kyoto but it is worth squeezing through the crowds to check it out.

A 10 minute walk from Ginkaku-ji and I stopped in at Honen-in. The temple buildings were not open on the day I went, apparantly they only rarely open to the public. It had some nice gardens but if you are in a rush I would skip this one. It is free entry.

From Honen-in I walked along the Tetsugaku-no-Michi (Path of Philosophy) which was stunning.

This half hour walk brings you to Eikando Zenrin-ji. Put this place on your to do list. Spectacular buildings and gardens.

These are the sleeping dragon stairs leading to the back of the temple complex.

Another 10 minute walk brings you to Nanzen-ji. I think I was too tired by this point to appreciate this temple that is known as one of the finest temples in Tokyo. Probably also had something to do with the walk I attempted see, earlier post Going Loco in Kyoto. 

There is a very impressive gate at the entry of the temple complex which you can climb for a fee of 400 yen but I felt like I had seen enough view of Kyoto for one day so I skipped that. I went up past the aqueduct and to the gardens of Nanzen-in. 300 yen entry fee. The gardens were quiet small but worth a look.

Next I went to the famous Hojo gardens and temple area, surprisingly I almost had this place to myself. 500 yen entry. Some beautiful screen paintings inside the temple but I don't really dig the combed sand and rocks so much. Still worth a look.

I caught the No.5 bus back to Kyoto station from the main road, about 10 minutes walk from the main gate.

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