Tuesday 20 May 2014

Tokyo Disney Sea

Fun fact about Tokyo Disney. People run. The sign that worker bee is holding below says 'For safety, please walk'. People were ignoring that sign (very unsual for Japanese to break the rules) and  were bolting off so quick the kids in the prams were already screaming with the adrenaline rush.

We took the advice of the many clever people who had been to Disney before us and got an early bus from Shinjuku in time for the opening at 8:30am. The bus ride takes about 40 mins and costs 840 yen each way. The train is just as easy and is a bit faster but requires a change at Tokyo Station. We figured the bus would provide us with some bonus nap time. Entry to Disney Sea is 6,400 yen.

We couldn't quite figure out the need to run for the rides so we strolled towards the back of the park and straight onto the Indiana Jones ride. The Disney Sea park is supposedly aimed more at adults and all the rides have a 'sea' theme. Bit of a stretch sometimes, I believe Indiana Jones had something to do with the fountain of youth, not so much to do with the sea?!

Not sure what Toy Story has to do with the sea either?

To cut a long story short, we hit up all the 'scary' rides only to discover, rides don't seem to be so scary in Tokyo, at least not at Disney Sea. It just all felt a bit too safe, lots of seat belts, lots of simulator style rides. No crazy rollercoaster, no G force of 4 like on the Superman ride at Movie World on the Gold Coast.

What was scary was the lines. As it hit lunchtime and the line wait time was creeping up to 2 hours, we realized that the running people at the very start of the day were just trying their best to get one ride in before they gave up the will to live later in the day.

This was the queue for the 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' ride. 

This kid was in the line with us for about 90 minutes. I felt her pain. 

This was us on the only remotely scary ride, 'Tower of Terror'. 

The ride was mainly scary because we couldn't figure out what was going on. We thought we were lining up for a big drop type of ride but we were escorted through a number of different rooms where there were some freaking animations and special effects going on. And the freaky animations were talking to us in the creepiest, deepest, weirdo Japanese voices I have ever heard.

Other scary things at Disney Sea.

Match matchy outfits

Adults wearing disney head wear.

Yep I got in on the scary act too. Well long enough for a selfie anway.....

I found the parades pretty scary as well. I know some people really love this stuff but seriously how many times can you watch Mickey swing by on his boat surrounded by lycra-clad dancers before you feel a bit ill?

By mid-afternoon we couldn't face another long queue so we went on whatever had the shortest line up. We waited for 20 minutes for this sucker.

Yep it was as lame as it looks.

All in all, I would vote DisneySea - overrated!

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