Monday 28 July 2014

Shinbashi Koichi Festival - party time for all age groups!

Do you know what I love about festivals in Japan? Everyone gets a little crazy! People dance, they drink, they dress up, they talk to overheated, red faced gaijin while  they wear long sleeves and beanies in 70% humidity and don't appear to even break a drop of sweat themselves.

We went to the Shinbashi Koichi festival on Friday night and there was something there for everyone. Despite it being stinking hot and forgetting my hand towel to wipe off the rivers of sweat pouring off my forehead, we had a fantastic time. The festival is on the last Thursday and Friday of July each year.

Some of the food stall around SL plaza, Shinbashi train station.

We grabbed a couple of cans of beer and watched the start of the Yukata Beauty contest which kicked off at 6:30pm. 

The winner walks away with ¥100,000 and a four-night trip to Hawaii. Not bad for looking pretty in a kimono and answering a few questions about yourself.

Next up we bought drinks from this guy offering free hugs.

Ate some delicious seafood and other assorted yakitori delights.

Laughed at drunk salarymen testing out motorbikes and cycling video games.

Wandered through the area where kids were enjoying themselves at the carnival games.

Had some delicious Kirin beers with frozen heads.

Watched some awesome silver foxes get stuck into the dancing.

Bon Odori is a Japanese style of dancing to honor the spirits of one's ancestors. The style of dancing and the music used for Bon Odori is unique to different regions. There is usually a wooden stage  called  a yagura, set up for the musicians and singers. Everyone else dances in a clockwise direction around the stage.  Taiko drumming and Bon Odori dancing takes place on both festival days.


We made friends with this crazy guy and his mates gave us boiled eggs and edamame and one of them bought Chris a beer while I was trying to learn the dance moves around the stage area.

The drummer and his protege were amazing too.

After a few hours of dancing, drinking, eating and drumming, the winners of the beauty contest were announced.

After one last photo with our new best friends, Chris finally dragged me away from the dancing and off home (via one last drink stop at Craft Beer market).

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